Oil on canvas «The ruins of the Golitsyn family’s horse yard»

Yulia Mamontova
«The ruins of the Golitsyn family’s horse yard»
Oil on canvas
29,6” х 35,5”


The main house of the estate is always surrounded by a park and farm buildings. After visiting the Golitsin estate park in the village of Petrovo-Dalneye (not far from Moscow, Russia), I decided to depict what the view that was opened to the eyes of the people who lived here now looks like. From the front door of the stables we watch people watching the horses from the stables to the estate. I am sad that this architecture, once elegant and bright, is gradually turning into unsightly grey ruins. The most painful thing to see is when there is only a brick island left of the building. The equestrian yard of the estate was not just a technical construction – it is a monument of architecture of that era, part of the ensemble of the estate, because the equestrian yard is always built using the same architectural elements as the main house. I wanted to convey the mute dialogue of two buildings that look at each other with empty spans of windows and remember the bubbling rich life of past centuries. Good horses and their departure were an important element of the status of a nobleman, not wealthy noblemen had only a stable with 1-3 horses, and in the rich estates were built separate horse yards.